QLD HPE Week 2022

Monday 23 - Friday 27 May

HPE Week is a week that celebrates the role of Health & Physical Education in schools and communities. The aim is to promote the importance of HPE in the Australian Curriculum and highlight the importance of HPE to the learning and development of children and young people. In light of the delay to the start of Term 1, in 2022, HPE Week will run from Monday 23 - Friday 27 May. We will have a program of activities to follow or schools are very welcome to develop their own activities.   Registration is free and there are some great prizes to be won. To be in the draw simply tag your photos on social media with #HPEWeek or send a picture or program of your HPE Week to us at ACHPER QLD
23/05/2022 9:00 AM - 27/05/2022 3:00 PM
E. Australia Standard Time
Registration is closed.